Programme, 4th Eshet - Jshet Joint Conference
Programme, revised version (9 SEP)
Venue: Otaru University of Commerce
Friday, September 11, 2015
9h00 – 9h30: Registration
9h30 – 10h00: Opening speeches
- Prof. Hideo Tanaka, President of the JSHET
- Prof. Annalisa Rosselli, Past-President of the ESHET
10h00 – 11h30: Session A: Classical Economic thought and war
Chairperson: Susumu Takenaga
- « Why the wars? And how to pay them? A comparison between Hume and Smith » - Daniel Diatkine (Universite d'Evry)
- Discussant: Shinji Nohara
- « Adam Smith and War » -Hideo Tanaka (Aichi-Gakuin University)
- Discussant: Maria Pia Paganelli
- « More commerce, more wars: Adam Smith and David Hume on the effects of economic development on warfare » -Reinhard Schumacher (University of Potsdam) & Maria Pia Paganelli (Trinity University)
- Discussant: Daniel Diatkine
11h30 –13h30: Lunch
13h30 – 14h30: Session B: Liberalism in the interwar period
Chairperson: Giovanni Farese
- « New Liberalism in pre-war Japan: a study of the Magazine, The New Liberalism » -Shimpei Yamamoto (Osaka City University)
- Discussant: Alexandre Cunha
- « The LSE’s federalism during the wars: Robbins and Beveridge’s liberalisms» - Atsushi Komine (Ryukoku University)
- Discussant: Taku Eriguchi
14h30 – 15h00 : Coffee-break
15h00 – 16h30: Session C: HET of the Inter-war period in prospect of the post-war
Chairperson: Philippe Steiner
- « The war-time economy and the theory of price controls » - Annalisa Rosselli (Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”) & Paolo Paesani (Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”)
- Discussant: Susumu Egashira
- « “Communauté de Travail” and “Coexistence Pacifique”: François Perroux’s contributions to corporatism and its reshaping in the postwar period » - Alexandre Cunha (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)
- Discussant: Atsushi Komine
- «Yasuma Takata at crisis in the history of economic thought » - Tsutomu Hashimoto (Hokkaido University)
- Discussant: Paolo Paesani
16h30 – 17h00 : Coffee-break
17h00 – 18h30: Session D: Credit and economy in 17th-18th century
Chairperson: Yutaka Furuya
- « Land-bank projects after the establishment of the Bank of England » - Seiichiro Ito (Ohtsuki City College)
- Discussant: John Gent
- « Abundance and scarcity during and after the Napoleonic Wars: the British Restriction of 1797-1821, bank balance sheets and the birth of two timeless monetary policy paradigms » - John Gent (London School of Economics & Political Science)
- Discusant: Natalia Tammone
- « Lauderdale on war and finance: a critique of the sinking fund, the mercantile system, and the war » - Jean-Daniel Boyer (Université de Strasbourg) & Simon Hupfel (University of Upper Alsace)
- Discussant: Alain Clément
Saturday, September 12, 2015
10h00 – 11h30: Session E: Consequences of war
Chairperson: Annalisa Rosselli
- « War in the history of economic thought:the economists and the question of war » - Gerhard Michael Ambrosi (University of Trier)
- Discussant: Yukihiro Ikeda
- « Planning liberalism ordoliberal sight on post-war German economic order (1945-1948) » - Raphaël Fèvre (Université de Lausanne - Geopolis)
- Discussant: Tadashi Ohtsuki
- « Concealing the lessons from the war? : Wartime experience of Japanese economics and economists » - Tadashi Ohtsuki (Gunma University)
- Discussant: Yoshifumi Ozawa
11h30 – 12h00: Coffee Break
12h00 – 13h00: Session F: Classical economic thought
Chairperson: Maria Pia Paganelli
- « The role of social science in Priestley’s thought : political economy and wealth as sources of peace in the world » - Akihito Matsumoto (Tokushima Bunri Univ.)
- Discussant: Reinhard Schumacher
13h00 – 14h30: Lunch
14h30 – 15h30: Session G: Cambridge economists
Chairperson: Atsushi Komine
- « Pigou on war finance and state intervention » - Rogério Arthmar (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Brazi) & Michael McLure (University of Western Australia)
- Discussant: Gerhard Michael Ambrosi
- « Utilitarianism as D.H. Robertson’s groundwork for economics: based on his papers during the early years of WWI » - Junki Nakakitaura (Doshisha University)
- Discussant: Rogério Arthmar
15h30 – 16h00 : Coffee-break
16h00 – 17h00: Session H: Army and economic thought
Chairperson: Takuo Dome
- « French Political Economy, Industrialism and the Demise of War » - Philippe Steiner (Université Paris-Sorbonne &Institut Universitaire de France)
- Discussant: Deniz T. Kilincoglu
- « Studying economics as war effort: the first economic treatise in the Ottoman Empire and its militaristic motivations » -Deniz T. Kilincoglu (Middle East Technical University-Northern Cyprus Campus)
- Discussant: Akihito Matsumoto
19h00 Gala Dinner
Sunday, September, 13 2015
10h00 – 11h30: Session I: How to think of economy and society
Chairperson: Paolo Paesani
- « Kenneth Arrow’s idea of justice » -Nao Saito (Tohoku Gakuin University)
- Discussant: Masanobu Sato
- « Historical contexts of Frederick Soddy’s biophysical economics: the First World War and “the Inversion of Science” » - Manabu Kuwata (University of Tokyo)
- Discussant: Raphaël Fèvre
- «The role of Hans Kelsen in Hayek’s initiation » - Shigeki Tomo (Kyoto Sangyo University, under dispute)
- Discussant: Naoki Haraya
11h30 – 13h30: Lunch
13h30 – 15h00: Session J: HET in 18th century
Chairperson: Alexandre Cunha
- « The effects of commerce and war in Adam Smith » - Shinji Nohara (University of Tokyo)
- Discussant: Simon Hupfel
- « The food weapon: milestones in the history of a concept (17th-19th centuries) » - Alain Clément (Faculté de Droit et d'Économie Université de Tours)
- Discussant: Hiroaki Itai
- « The impact of the Napoleonic Wars in Portugal: the economic thought of José das Neves Acúrsio and Mouzinho da Silveira » - Natalia Tammone (Universidade de São Paulo)
- Discussant: Jean-Daniel Boyer
15h00 – 15h30: Coffee-break
15h30 – 17h00: Session K: War and international relations
Chairperson: Yukihiro Ikeda
- « Ideas at war. The Chatham House Circle (1941-1946) and the birth of development economics » - Giovanni Farese (European University of Rome)
- Discussant: Takato Kasai
- «The cause of war and role of people by Karl Polanyi: a change in realm of international relations after The Great Transformation » - Takato Kasai (Doshisha University)
- Discussant: Tsutomu Hashimoto
- « Sidney and Beatrice Webb on free trade and national minimum: a proposal of international order for the coming age of welfare states » - Taku Eriguchi (Seinan Gakuin University)
- Discussant: Giovanni Farese