The 21st Award (May 2024)
No nominees that deserved the award
The 20th Award (May 2023)
Masanori Kashiwazaki, “Improvement as the Foundation of Liberty: Locke on Labour, Equality, and Civic Membership,” Locke Studies 21: 56–87, 2022.
Goshi Fuse, “Reconstruction Ideas of ISHIBASHI and ARISAWA: Background of Policy,” History of Japanese Economic Thought (Nihon Keizai Shisoushi Kenkyu) 20: 51–66, 2020.
The 19th Award (July 2022)
Yoshifumi Ozawa, 2021. John Stuart Mill on Self-interest: Focusing on His Political Economy and the Principles. In Susumu Egashira, Masanori Taishido, D. Wade Hands, Uskali Mäki eds, A Genealogy of Self-Interest in Economics. Singapore: Springer, pp. 85-105.
Shogo Nishibayashi, 2019. Kneese’s Water Quality Management Research (1960s), within the History of Environmental Economics. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Volume 41, Number 3, pp. 411-431.
The 18th Award (September 2021)
Sora Sato, Edmund Burke as Historian: War, Order and Civilisation, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
The 17th Award (June 2020)
Kohei Saito, Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism: Capital, Nature, and the Unfinished Critique of Political Economy, Horinouchi Shuppan, 2019.
The 16th Award (May 2019)
Yuri Shiomi, Sir James Steuart’s Theory of Commerce, HET 59 (2), January 2018.
The 15th Award (June 2018)
Naoyuki Wakamatsu, David Ricardo and His Funding System in Chapter 29 of the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, HET 59(1), July 2017.
The 14th Award (June 2017)
Shigeta Minamimori, On Takahira Kanda’s“the People”, HET 57(2), January 2016.
The 13rd Award (May 2016)
Yusuke Ando, Commerce, Despotism and Public Opinion: Political Economy in the French Enlightenment and Transformation of Governmental Principles (Sobunsha, 2014)
Norikazu Takami, The Sanguine Science: The Historical Contexts of A. C. Pigou’s Welfare Economics, History of Political Economy, 46(3): 357-386, Fall 2014.
The 12nd Award (May 2015)
Manabu Kuwata, Epistemology of Economics(Ibunsha, 2014)
Yusuke Yoshino, Hayek’s Economic Thought: The Future of Liberal Society (Keiso Shobo, 2014)
The 11th Award (May 2014)
Yuichiro Kawana, The Physiology of the Social Body: John Stuart Mill and the Science of Commercial Society(Kyoto University Press, 2012)
The 10th Award (May 2013)
Midori Wakamori, Karl Polanyi: Market Society, Democracy, Human Freedom(NTT Publishing, 2011)
The 9th Award (May 2012)
Tomoyuki Arai, Dugald Stewart on Poor Relief: On the Question of Poverty after Adam Smith, HET 53(1), July 2011.
The 8th Award (May 2011)
Nanako Fujita, Gunnar Myrdal’s Economic Thought: From Welfare State to Welfare World (NTT Publishing, 2010)
Naohito Mori, Hume and his Ambivalent Idea of Civilized Society (Sobun-sha, 2010)
The 7th Award (May 2010)
Daisuke Nakai, Utilitarianism and Political Economy: The Range of Practical Philosophy of H. Sidgwick, (Koyo-shobo, 2009)
Takuji Yamane, William Kapp’s Theory of Science Integration and Substantive Rationality: Reconstruction of the “Social Cost Theory” from a Human Sciences Perspective, HET 50(2), February 2009.
The 6th Award (May 2009)
Takayuki Nakamura, Harrod’s Thought and Dynamic Economics (Nihon-hyoron-sha, 2008)
Taku Eriguch, The Webbs on “National Efficiency”: Free Trade, National Minimum, and LSE, HET 50(1), July 2008.
The 5th Award (May 2008)
Ryo Hongo, The Philosophy and Economics of A.C. Pigou (Nagoya University Press, 2007)
Jou Ishii, Unemployment in John Barton’s Machinery Theory, HET 48(2), December 2006.
The 4th Award (May 2007)
Shingo Takahashi, J. R. Commons’s “Transaction Economics”: Institutional Economic Theory by Legal Concepts, HET 48(1), June 2006.
The 3rd Award (May 2006)
Ryo Sadamori, Commercial Society and Liberty in The Spirit of the Laws Concerning the Notion of “Independence”, HET 47(1), June 2005.
The 2nd Award (May 2005)
Kei Nagaji, The Economics of Iving Fisher: his Theoretical Development of Equilibrium, Time, and Money (Nihon Keizai Hyoron-sha, 2002)
The 1st Award (October 2004)
Naoki Nabeshima, Keynes and Kalecki: The Origins of Post Keynesian Economics (The University of Nagoya Press, 2001)