




【文献】 これがデータベースのメインフィールドになります。ここには,書誌事項をそろえて記入します。著者,編者が複数の場合,できるだけ全員の名前をお書きください。項目の区切りには半角セミコロンをお使いください。

【Title】 上記の英訳。すべて半角文字を使用すること。この項目は,必須ではありませんが,勝手に翻訳されることを拒否される場合にはぜひお書きください。特に,欧文タイトル・ページのような形で既に欧文タイトルが付されている場合には,ご記入をお願いします。名前の表記は,ファミリーネーム空白ファーストネームまたはそのイニシァルで表記,複数の場合はコンマで区切ってならべてください。
(例)Yagi Kiichiro; Joseph Schumpeter: Entrepreneur and the Irony of Capitalism; Ota Kazuhiro, Suzuki Nobuo, Taka Tetsuo, Yagi Kiichiro, eds.; History of Economic Thought; University of Nagoya Press: Nagoya; 1995; pp. 244-256
【Author】 対象の研究者一人だけで結構ですが,半角ローマ字で正確な読みを姓・名の順に記入してください。
(例)Yagi Kiichiro

【Year】 西暦4ケタ数字

【Classification】 選択記入


【Language】 選択記入


【Keywords|Abstract】 英語(半角)で記入してください。この欄の容量は十分にありますので,著作権に問題のない限り,アブストラクトの入力を歓迎します。

(例)(Keywordsの場合)Vienna; Treasury View

     (Abstractの場合)The postwar Ricardo studies in Japan began with the introduction of The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, edited by P. Sraffa in collaboration with M. Dobb, Vol.1-Vol.ll, 1951-1973. In particular, the introductions and notes by P. Sraffa appended to the Works were the main target of Japanese Ricardian scholars along with Western critics. Among the Japanese Ricardian specialists, Mr. T. Hatori and H. Nakamura have taken issue with Sraffa's interpretation of Ricardo. Ultimately, they both have not only continued to be the main figures in Ricardian study, but they have also influenced each other by means of their conversations, private letters and printed articles. Their relationship resembles that between Ricardo and Malthus, and has brought about improvements in both of their theories. Later Mr. S. Senga joined the Hatori-Nakamura dialogue, and the three scholars have formed a trio in Japanese Ricardian studies.

文献 玉井龍象; 戦間期イギリス経済政策とケインズ; 経済学史学会年報; 第35号; 1997; pp.44-58
Title Tamai Ryuzo; Keynes and the Economic-Policy in the Interwar-Period Britain; Annals of the Society for the History of Economic Thought; No.35; 1997; pp 44-58
Author Tamai Ryuzo
Year 1997
Classification Article
Language Japanese
Keywords|Abstract Treasury View

文献 八木紀一郎; ヨーゼフ・シュンペーター:資本主義のアイロニーと企業者; 大田一廣・鈴木信雄・高哲男・八木紀一郎編; 経済思想史:社会認識の諸類型; 名古屋大学出版会: 名古屋; 1995; pp.244-256
Title Yagi kiichiro; Joseph Schumpeter: Entrepreneur and the Irony of Capitalism; Ota Kazuhiro, Suzuki Nobuo, Taka Tetsuo, Yagi Kiichiro eds.; History of Economic Thought; University of Nagoya Press, Nagoya, 1995, pp.244-256
Author Yagi Kiichiro
Year 1995
Classification Book
Language Japanese

文献 馬渡尚憲; 経済学のメソドロジー:スミスからフリードマンまで; 日本評論社: 東京; 1990; v+399p.
Title Mawatari Shoken; The Methodology of Economics from Adam Smith to Milton Friedman; Nihon Hyoronsha: Tokyo; 1990; v+399p.
Author Mawatari Shoken
Year 1990
Classification Book
Language Japanese

文献 小林昇;『国富論』の学史的位置の相対化:諸文献の発掘とともに; 経済学史学会年報; 第38号; 2000; pp.13-20
Title Kobayashi Noboru; My Study of the Early Modern Systems of Economics, and Resulting Relativization of the Historical Position of 'The Wealth of Nations'; Annals of the Society for the History of Economic Thought; No. 38; 2000; pp.13-20
Author Kobayashi Noboru
Year 2000
Classification Article
Language Japanese
Keywords|Abstract This essay is a personal account of how an aspect of the post-1945 Japanese research in the history of economics has evolved, with emphasis on how I myself, through my own reading of Friedrich List, British Mercantilists, Josiah Tucker, and particularly James Steuart, as well as my discoveries of other noteworthy economic classics, unwittingly undermined, thus relativized, the dominant place commanded by one economic classic, Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations. This was done within the prevailing academic atmosphere of the time, which was characterized by a predominance of Marxian orientation and a concentration on Adam Smith's studies since pre-1945 days, and a rather critical response to these two schools of thought. This post-WWII response, greatly facilitated by the Japan Society of History of Economics (established in 1950), contained some striking elements, such as the introduction of modern theories in the analysis of older economic treatises, Adam Smith studies being affected by expanded studies of the Scottish Enlightenment, and attempted new perceptions of the entire classical economics in view of the development of historical science and discoveries of various new materials, as well as conspicuous broadening of our horizon to include the Continental European and American scenes. In this process I gradually dissociated myself from the Marxian orientation in my reading of the history of economics. 




玉井龍象; 戦間期イギリス経済政策とケインズ; 経済学史学会年報; 第35号; 1997; pp.44-58(タブ)Tamai Ryuzo; Keynes and the Economic-Policy in the Interwar-Period Britain; Annals of the Society for the History of Economic Thought; No.35;1997; pp 44-58(タブ)Tamai Ryuzo(タブ)1997(タブ)Article(タブ)Japanese(タブ)J(タブ)Treasury View(改行)

八木紀一郎; ヨーゼフ・シュンペーター:資本主義のアイロニーと企業者; 大田一廣・鈴木信雄・高哲男・八木紀一郎編; 経済思想史:社会認識の諸類型; 名古屋大学出版会: 名古屋; 1995; pp.244-256(タブ)Yagi kiichiro; Joseph Schumpeter: Entrepreneur and the Irony of Capitalism; Ota Kazuhiro, Suzuki Nobuo, Taka Tetsuo, Yagi Kiichiro eds.; History of Economic Thought; University of Nagoya Press, Nagoya, 1995, pp. 244-256(タブ)Yagi Kiichiro(タブ)1995(タブ)Book(タブ)Japanese(タブ)(空白)(タブ)(改行)

馬渡尚憲; 経済学のメソドロジー:スミスからフリードマンまで; 日本評論社: 東京; 1990;v+399p.(タブ)Mawatari Shoken; The Methodology of Economics from Adam Smith to Milton Friedman; Nihon Hyoronsha: Tokyo; 1990;v+399p.(タブ)Mawatari Shoken(タブ)1990(タブ)Book(タブ)Japanese(タブ)(タブ)(改行)

小林昇;『国富論』の学史的位置の相対化:諸文献の発掘とともに; 経済学史学会年報; 第38号; 2000; pp.13-20(タブ)Kobayashi Noboru; My Study of the Early Modern Systems of Economics, and Resulting Relativization of the Historical Position of 'The Wealth of Nations'; Annals of the Society for the History of Economic Thought; No. 38; 2000; pp.13-20(タブ)Kobayashi Noboru(タブ)2000(タブ)Article(タブ)Japanese(タブ)This essay is a personal account of how an aspect of the post-1945 Japanese research in the history of economics has evolved, with emphasis on how I myself, through my own reading of Friedrich List, British Mercantilists, Josiah Tucker, and particularly James Steuart, as well as my discoveries of other noteworthy economic classics, unwittingly undermined, thus relativized, the dominant place commanded by one economic classic, Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations. This was done within the prevailing academic atmosphere of the time, which was characterized by a predominance of Marxian orientation and a concentration on Adam Smith's studies since pre-1945 days, and a rather critical response to these two schools of thought. This post-WWII response, greatly facilitated by the Japan Society of History of Economics (established in 1950), contained some striking elements, such as the introduction of modern theories in the analysis of older economic treatises, Adam Smith studies being affected by expanded studies of the Scottish Enlightenment, and attempted new perceptions of the entire classical economics in view of the development of historical science and discoveries of various new materials, as well as conspicuous broadening of our horizon to include the Continental European and American scenes. In this process I gradually dissociated myself from the Marxian orientation in my reading of the history of economics.(改行)



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