Submission Guidelines for The History of Economic Thought Journal

Jan. 2024

The History of Economic Thought is a peer-reviewed journal on the history of economic thought, published biannually by the Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought. Submissions are welcome on a wide range of topics relevant to the history of economic thought and will be considered for publication either as “Articles” or as “Notes and Communications.”


  1. Manuscripts should be original and previously unpublished.
  2. As a rule, the editorial board puts each submission through a double-anonymous refereeing process involving two reviewers and will decide whether the manuscript should be accepted, revised and resubmitted, or rejected.
  3. The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought will retain the copyright concerning all publications in The History of Economic Thought.
  4. Any manuscript should be drafted and submitted in Microsoft Word formats (.doc, .docx, etc.) and comprise a title (including a subtitle), a body of text, footnotes, references, and an abstract.
    4-1. The title, text, footnotes, and abstract should be written in English, except for  quotations that were originally written in another language.
    4-2. The title, text, footnotes, and references should not exceed 12,000 words in total.
    4-3. The abstract should be approximately 250 words in length (but no more than 300 words), including the title, authors’ names, and 2-4 JEL Codes, which should be placed on a final separate page.
  1. As for the style, please consult the Journal Style Guidelines.

Notes and Communications

  1. “N&C” submissions fall into either of the following categories:
    a) a critique, survey, or introduction of new research trends in, or unpublished materials relevant to, the history of economic thought (approximately 1,500 words),
    b) a critique, or rejoinder to any article(s) published in The History of Economic Thought (approximately 600 words).
  2. Otherwise, the same rules as for “Articles” submissions apply; however, the editorial board may simplify the refereeing process.

Submission and inquiries

Please submit your paper to jshet-editor [at mark] Include a message that identifies it as either an “Article” or an “N&C” submission. If you have any questions, contact the Editor at the same email address.

The History of Economic Thought

Takayuki Nakamura (Aoyama Gakuin University)

Editorial Board

Hiroyuki Furuya, Ken Kato, Shigeta Minamimori, Daisuke Nakai, Tamotsu Nishizawa, Toshiaki Otomo, Masanori Taishido, Susumu Takenaga, Taro Hisamatsu

International Advisory Board

Richard Arena, Pascal Bridel, Samuel Hollander, Bertram Schefold, John Vint