Edited by Nathalie Bulle, Francesco Di Iori『The Palgrave Handbook of Methodological Individualism, volume 1』第2部 第6章 松尾 洋治 他著「Popper’s Methodological Individualism and Situational Analysis(ポッパーの方法論的個人主義と状況分析)」Palgrave Macmillan、2023年12月

: 2023年12月23日
:XXIII, 755 pages

While methodological individualism is a fundamental approach within the social sciences, it is often misunderstood. This highlights the need for a discursive and up-to-date reference work analyzing this approach’s classic arguments and assumptions in the light of contemporary issues in sociology, economics and philosophy. This two-volume handbook presents the first comprehensive overview of methodological individualism. Chapters discuss historical and contemporary debates surrounding this central approach within the social sciences, as well as cutting edge developments related to the individualist tradition with philosophical and scientific implications. Bringing together multiple contributions from the world’s leading experts on this important tradition of theorizing, this collective endeavor provides teachers, researchers and students in sociology, economics, and philosophy with a reliable and critical understanding of the founding principles, key thinkers and intellectual development of MI since the late 19th century.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xxiii
  2. The Founding Principles of Methodological Individualism and its Historical Emergence

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1
    2. Adam Smith and Sympathetic Individualism

      • Maria Pia Paganelli
      Pages 17-29
    3. Max Weber and Understanding Explanation

      • Wolf Feuerhahn
      Pages 31-56
    4. Viennese Methodological Individualism

      • Dario Antiseri
      Pages 57-75
    5. Popper’s Methodological Individualism and Situational Analysis

      • Makoto Kogawara, Yoji Matsuo, Han-Seob Yeo
      Pages 77-101
    6. What’s the Alternative?

      • Jon Elster
      Pages 117-138
  3. Methodological Individualism and the Rationality Principle

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 139-139
    2. Emotions and Rationality

      • Paul Dumouchel
      Pages 141-160
  4. Methodological Individualism and the Micro-Macro Link

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 291-291
    2. Max Weber’s Methodological Individualism

      • Thomas Schwinn
      Pages 321-345
      1. Back Matter

        Pages 727-755
版元の紹介ページ: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-41512-8