Kiichiro Yagi, Yoshinori Shiozawa, Yuji Aruka, Makoto Nishibe, and Akinori Isogai (eds.)『Present and Future of Evolutionary Economics: Japanese Perspectives』Springer、2024
- 発売日
- :2024年
- 定価
- :JPY 28,599 (hardback), JPY 18,303 (eBook)
- :9789819744336
This edited volume celebrates a quarter-century’s anniversary of the foundation of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics (JAFEE) and proposes the future perspectives of evolutionary economics on the grounds of its achievements in Japan. When JAFEE was founded in 1997, hundreds of ambitious non-neo-classical economists gathered in this forum to advance new directions of economic research. Succeeding in 2004, JAFEE launched an international academic journal, Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review (EIER), which is now published by Springer.Evolutionary economics found rich soil for growth in Japan, where non-orthodox directions in economic theory and historical interest in the past masters’ works occupied a solid portion of economics academism. Evolutionary economics in Japan has grown with the collaboration of non-neoclassical economics including Marxian and post-Keynesian economics, agent-based modeling, complexity studies, comparative economic systems, and studies in industrial evolution. Combining the renovation of classical value theory as the micro-foundation of evolutionary economics is one of its most conspicuous achievements. Experimental methods are also used in the artificial domain, regional studies (community currencies), and other domains. Further, evolutionary ideas stimulated comparative analysis of national economies in the development and system transition.
The variety of chapters in this volume reflects the broad perspective and the multiplicity of approaches to evolutionary economics in Japan, which thus stimulates its worldwide advance.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Introduction: Evolutionary Economics in Japan
Yuji Aruka, Akinori Isogai, Makoto Nishibe, Yoshinori Shiozawa, Kiichiro Yagi
Front Matter
Makoto Nishibe
Empirical Research
Front Matter