
  • 件名 : 第16回 西日本例会・日本経済思想史学会(2022年度)
  • 日付 : 


(大阪経済大学での開催場所が,当初のE館 7階 第1・第2会議室から,J館2階第3会議室に変更になりましたので,どうかこの点,ご注意をお願い申し上げます.)


(1) 西岡 優美・西岡 幹雄「ラーネッドとフェノロサ:経済学の導入と近代日本の経済思想(仮題)」(親和女子中高等学校・同志社大学経済学部)

(2) 上宮 智之「1890年代〜1920年代における日本の経済学啓蒙:The Economic Journalとの関連において(仮題)」(大阪経済大学経済学部)


The Society for the History of Japanese Economic Thought (SHJET)

The 16th West Japan Meeting (2022)

At the Society for the History of Japanese Economic Thought (SHJET): the 16th West Japan Meeting (2022), the following papers will be presented in the regular conference or the online form. If you contact us at the following ‘inquiries’, we would like to send you the meeting ID of the 16th West Japan Meeting (2022) and its contents’ outline by the due date.


The Society for the History of Japanese Economic Thought (SHJET)

The 16th West Japan Meeting (2022)

Date: Saturday, 29 October, 2022, 13:30-17:00

Venue: Regular Conference or Web Conference (Online with Zoom)


Introduction of Modern Japanese Political Economy and Economic Thought

(1) NISHIOKA Yumi, NISHIOKA Mikio, D. W. Learned and E. F. Fenollosa: Introduction of political economy and modern Japanese economic thought (provisional title). (Shinwa Girls’ Junior and Senior High School, Faculty of Economics, Doshisha University)

(2) UEMIYA Tomoyuki, The enlightenment of Japanese political economy in the 1890s-1920s, in association with The Economic Journal (provisional title). (Faculty of Economics, Osaka University of Economics)

(The presentations are given in Japanese.)

We welcome anyone who is interested in the history of Japanese comparative economic thought. Please contact me if you have questions about attending a meeting.

NISHIOKA Mikio, mnishiok[at]mail.doshisha.ac.jp
KASAI Takato, tkasai[at]mail.doshisha