田中敏弘(著/文)・井上琢智(編集)『経済学史研究と日本〜田中敏弘(関西学院大学名誉教授)英文論文集 Japan and the Study of the History of Economic Thought - Collected English Essays』エディション・シナプス、2020年3月

:A5判 280ページ 上製


Introduction by Takutoshi Inoue

Part I: Bernard Mandeville
Mandeville and Smith-In Connection with Economic Theory / Mandeville and Keynes / Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments and Bernard Mandeville /

Part II: David Hume
David Hume as an Economist/ Hume to Smith: An Unpublished Letter

Part III: J. B. Clark and American Economic Thought
The Economic Thought of J. B. Clark: An Interpretation of ‘The Clark Problem’ / J. B. Clark and Alfred Marshall: Some Unpublished Letters / Preface and Introductory essay to the Correspondence / In the Current of the Studies in the History of American Economic Thought / The Main Feature of The Making of American Neoclassical Economics

Part IV: The History of Economic Thoughts in Japan
The Society for the History of Economic Thought Japan (1981-1988) / Book Review: Recent Marshall Studies in Japan / Joseph Dorfman and the Studies in the History of American Economic Thought in Japan / Thorstein Veblen Studies in Japan: A bibliography / Preface of Economic Thought and Modernization in Japan / Australia and Japan and the Study of the History of Economic Thought / Professor Toshihiro Tanaka’s words of remembrance for the late Professor Peter Groenewegen
Appendix. 1981 Inaugural Conference of the History of Economic Thought Society of Australia

Bibliographic Notes by Takutoshi Inoue

版元の紹介ページ: https://www.hanmoto.com/bd/isbn/9784861662225