Series: War and Economics〈2〉
Shigeyoshi Senga, War among the Sovereign States and the Generation of Economics1-18
War among the Sovereign States
and the Generation of EconomicsShigeyoshi Senga
The focus of this paper is the wars in Europe from the middle of the seventeenth century to
the early nineteenth century and their relationship with contemporary economics1( limited to
England and Scotland). As for the relationship between war and economy, there has been the
accepted view that war may arise due to particular economic interests. While it is true that
early mercantilists saw foreign trade and war as inseparable, major economists in this period
did not find a cause for war in economy. Economists wrestled with the practicalities of financing
war, such as the tax reform, but as public loans were enlarged for the expenditure of
war, warned against mercantilist wars and the bankruptcy of the state. Smith and Tucker had
different opinions about the independence of the American colonies, and Malthus and Ricardo
disputed the causes of the recession that followed the Napoleonic Wars. The economists
of this era, although considering war as a political matter, continued to look for ways to evade
war. The issue of war as a struggle for supremacy between states was expected to be replaced
by efforts to strengthen commercial and industrial competitiveness in the free trade market.
JEL classification numbers: B 11, B 12, N 45.参考文献:
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Library 121. London: Princeton University Press.
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Bart. &c. vols. 1-4(. rpt.) London: Routledge.
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Wilson, C.[ 1957] 1978. Profit and Power; A Study of England and The Dutch Wars. 2nd
printing. The-Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
Series: War and Economics〈3〉
Tsutomu Hashimoto, A Fundamental Economic Thought Problem on Peace and War since the Cold War: A Critical Appraisal of E. Schumacher, J. Galbraith, and K. Boulding19-34
A Fundamental Economic Thought Problem
on Peace and War since the Cold War:
A Critical Appraisal of E. Schumacher, J. Galbraith,
and K. BouldingTsutomu Hashimoto
This paper raises a fundamental question and offers an original framework on war and peace
arguments based on primarily examining contributions in the field of war and economic
thought after World War II. Among the prominent figures in this field, I select three thinkers
in the field of economic thought, E. Schumacher, J. Galbraith, and K. Boulding, who presented
their own systematic visions of a peaceful society. The fundamental question on war and
peace raised here is, how we receive the principles of bios and eros, and of prosperity, from
an ideally peaceful situation, wherein the nature of peace is defined as “the negation of bios”
(i.e., the principle of death). In order to examine this question, I propose an original framework
and define the concepts of war and peace using categories of conflict and violence.
In light of this fundamental question, in this paper, I reveal the contributions of the three
thinkers to our understanding of creating a peaceful world. First, I present the background
and explain the reasons for selecting these three figures. Second, I present the fundamental
question and my theoretical framework to explore the responses of the three thinkers to the
question. Finally, I clarify their responses and present an overview of their contributions towards
a peaceful society.
JEL classification numbers: B 20, B 52, P 40.参考文献:
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–. 1945. The Economics of Peace. New York: Prentice Hall.
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–. 1973. The Economy of Love and Fear: A Preface to Grants Economics. Belmont, California:
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仲北浦淳基 D. H. ロバートソンの「実物」的経済変動論― 『産業変動の研究』における「努力」概念―
D. H. Robertson’s ‘Real’ Theory of Economic Fluctuation:
‘Effort’ Concept in his Study of Industrial Fluctuation( 1915)Junki Nakakitaura
This paper aims to explore the two essential factors of Dennis Holme Robertson’s theory of
economic fluctuation. Of the two, his ‘effort’ concept is important as the core of his real theory,
and his ‘industry’ concept is methodologically significant. These concepts in his first book,
A Study of Industrial Fluctuation, offer clarity regarding his economic view and a method of
macroeconomic analysis.
The ‘effort’ concept implicates the behavioural decision of individuals( micro-analysis).
All humans exert ‘effort’ for getting ‘satisfaction’ to maximise their ‘net satisfaction,’ that is,
the difference between utility and disutility. In other words, any behavioural decisions are
based upon the ‘effort’ of individuals. The ‘industry’ concept is provisionally considered as a
coordinated group of individuals. Therefore, the behavioural decision of ‘industry’ is assumed
to be the same as that of individuals, which is based on an individual’s ‘effort.’ With these two
concepts, Robertson gradually extended his analysis from an individual (micro-analysis) to
industries and industry in general( macro-analysis). This is the very macro analytical method
of Robertsonian economics.
The ‘effort’ concept is also the core of overall Robertsonian economics; for his subsequent
major theories, ‘capitalism’s golden rule’ and ‘lacking,’ also are grounded in his ‘effort’
concept. Any factors, such as the labour-capital conflict or monetary disturbance, can cause
fluctuations. For Robertson, however, ‘effort’ is the only ‘real’ measure and should be assigned
the highest weight as the essential factor.
Such a re-evaluation of Robertson’s ‘real’ theory is expected to furnish some hints with
regards to certain outstanding issues of Robertsonian economics: (1) the ultimate cause of
discord with Keynes,( 2) inheritances from Marshall, and( 3) the unified understanding of
the ‘real’ and ‘monetary’ theories in Robertson’s works.
JEL classification numbers: B 13, E 32.参考文献:
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―. 2017. Robertson’s Industrial Fluctuation (1915): An Early Real Business Cycle-Like Approach. Journal of the
History of Economic Thought 39( 1): 35―46
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Fletcher, G. A. 2000. Understanding Dennis Robertson: The Man and His Work. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
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ed. by T. Raffaelli, T. Nishizawa, and S. Cook. London: Taylor and Francis, 213―27.
Spencer, D. A. 2005. A Question of Incentive? Lionel Robbins and Dennis H. Robertson on the Nature and Determinants
of the Supply of Labour. European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 12( 2): 261―78.
青山秀夫.1942.「 実物的波及過程の弾性分析―ピグウ=ロバアトソンの景気理論における弾性概念の応用に
ついて」『經濟論叢』(京都大学)55( 1): 68―83.
伊藤史朗.1951「. ロバートソンの景気理論」『経済論叢』(京都大学)68( 1―3): 25―63.
伊藤宣広.2007 a.「 産業変動論におけるピグーとロバートソン」『立教経済学研究』(立教大学)60( 3): 69―
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小原英隆.1997.「 デニス・ロバートソンの実物的景気循環と財政・金融政策―現代リアルビジネスサイクル
理論とケインズ『貨幣論』との関係」『社会科学研究』(東京大学社会科学研究所)49( 1): 75―134.
―. 1998.「 ファイナンス制約モデルの先駆としてのロバートソンの貨幣動学理論―ケインズとは別方向の
『進化』」『社会科学研究』(東京大学社会科学研究所)49( 4): 91―245.
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小峯 敦.1992「. ロバートソンの個人録」『一橋研究』(一橋大学)17( 1): 99―113.
下平裕之.1995「. D. H. ロバートソンの経済変動理論―初期の発展とケインズの影響」『一橋研究』(一橋大学)
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仲北浦淳基.2016 a.「 ロバートソンにおけるリスクとコントロールの経済学―『産業変動の研究』と『産業
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―. 2016 b「. ロバートソンの最初期の経済学研究と『努力』概念」『経済学論叢』(同志社大学)68( 2): 249―
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Economic Chivalry and Laissez-faire:
A Study in the Tradition of Marshall, Pigou, Edgeworth, and KeynesNaoki Matsuyama
The aim of this study is to shed light on the unknown tradition of Marshall’s ethical notion of
‘economic chivalry,’ then inherited by A. C. Pigou, F. Y. Edgeworth, and J. M. Keynes. At the
beginning, this work argues that while Marshall actually regretted not being able to indicate
the practical aspects of economic chivalry in his speech in 1907, the point was later discussed
by other contemporary economists. Specifically, in his public lecture, Pigou suggested that all
employers should be guided by a spirit of economic chivalry, in order to built the facilities
where young workers could have an opportunity to train physical and mental abilities. Then,
Edgeworth regarded economic chivalry as a philosophical foundation for his economic welfare
analysis, in which female workers should be treated equally to male ones, with the wage
level determined only by productivity, not by gender differences. It is for this reason that he
also pointed out the necessity of a subsidy to families. Finally, Keynes believed that, in the
interwar period, the British economy could not recover only through the effort of chivalrous
businessmen, who attempted to harmonise public interest and personal gain. The reason is
that he negatively considered chivalrous businessmen, defining them a ‘tarnished idol’ in business
practice at the time. Nevertheless, Keynes also argued the importance of setting the wage
level based on fairness and reasonability. Overall, these distinguished economists evaluated
Marshall’s idea of economic chivalry within the laissez-faire doctrine both positively and
JEL classification numbers: A 13, B 13.参考文献:
(* 訳書を活用したが,必ずしも訳文に従っていない場合がある)
資 料
Marshall Papers, Section 5( Marshall 5/11), ケンブリッジ大学経済学部マーシャル図書館所蔵.
雑 誌
Cambridge Review 29( 734), June 1, 1908.[以下 CR と略記]
Cambridge Review 34( 849), February 6, 1913.
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河野裕康 ヒルファディングの経済政策論と 1927 年農業綱領
Hilferding’s Economic Policy
and the 1927 Agrarian ProgramYuko Kawano
In the late 1920s, R. Hilferding (1877―1941), an intellectual leader of the German Social
Democratic Party and prominent exponent of organised capitalism, played an important role
in economic policy, especially for agrarian problems. However, his activities have not been
completely explored from a historical point of view. In several international conferences in
1926, he argued against aggressive protectionism in favour of mutually beneficial trade
agreements and economic regulation under the League of Nations. Then, during parliamentary
discussions, he opposed the general rise of agrarian customs, and insisted on promoting
high-grade, intensified production by means of differentiated tariffs and financial aids. As for
international cartels, he led the 1927 inter-parliamentary commercial conference to accepting
his anti-monopolistic resolution.
Within the party, Hilferding, as commission chairperson, drafted an agrarian program
based on his own earlier ideas as well as on the Austrian program, and successfully persuaded
the party congress to adopt it in 1927. This program included measures for land reform,
productivity improvement, and social policy, among others, intending to cooperate with the
rural working populace anew.
As the financial situation worsened late in 1927 and the year after, he urged the temporary
introduction of foreign credits in order to maintain business prosperity. He criticised the
budget for mass taxation and military expenditure, highlighting the structural defects of the
fiscal transfer system, and tried to restore the balance through administrative reorganisation.
Nonetheless, he supported the emergency assistance project for agriculture, and demanded
individually granted loans as well as the control of commerce and even of production for stabilisation.
Overall, his economic policy aimed to make progresses in international cooperative
relationships, avoiding block economy, and cope with agrarian and financial difficulties
through productivity measures, basically grounded on his peculiar view of organised economy.
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塩見由梨 ジェイムズ・ステュアートの商業論
Sir James Steuart’s Theory of Commerce
Yuri Shiomi
This article aims to realise the concept of commerce on market economy in Sir James
Steuart’s An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy.
Studies concerning the social function of commerce remain limited, whereas commerce
has performed an essential role for the functioning of the market. Sir James Steuart, known as
a mercantilist, focused on importance of commercial activities and theorised on it in early
times. I shall read his theory and offer an explanation of the idea and function of commerce
in it.
According to Steuart’s Inquiry, Book II, the main concept of commerce is not an intermediary
role between producers and consumers but a trade among merchants. Merchants’ behavioural
principle is rational, unlike the limited rationality of producers and consumers.
Trade among merchants creates the proper market price through the operation of ‘double
competition’ and provides market information to non-merchants, producers or consumers, by
the market price determined by it. Moreover, through the emergence the current prices in
trade, commerce promotes the use of money in consumers’ hands.
Steuart’s theory of commerce provides an explanation of the reason for the necessity of
merchants and commerce in market economy. His theory of the principle of commerce
should be considered as an effective economic theory focusing on the significance of commerce
in modern economy.
JEL classification numbers: B 11, B 31, D 49.
Sir James Steuart’s Theory of Commerce
Yuri Shiomi参考文献:
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English Translation Series: Japanese Historians of Economic Thought〈5〉
Takuya Hatori, Early Period Ricardo’s Theories of Value and Distribution Translated by Robert Chapeskie and Shigeyoshi Senga118-161
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