Graslin’s Progressive Consumption Tax Theory:
The Normativeness of the Consumption and Taxpaying CapacityEiko Yamamoto
This paper discusses Graslin’s progressive consumption tax theory proposed for the reconstruction of tough fiscal conditions in France in 1767. Graslin criticised the single tax on land Physiocrats demanded because it narrowed taxable objects due to the distinction between ‘productive’ and ‘sterile.’
A direct tax on income at a fixed rate is disadvantageous to poor people; in the case of progressive rates, there will be apathy toward economic activity. At that time, it was difficult to estimate individual income or wealth of all classes accurately, including of tax-exempt classes. Therefore, Graslin considered that individual consumption capacity was an indicator of income level. A tax imposed in proportion to consumption capacity and normativeness, namely, the level of items’ importance for survival, would be fair and efficient for an increase in revenue. In Graslin’s progressive consumption tax system, necessities are not taxed; however, the more luxurious the item, the higher the consumption tax.
Furthermore, hoping for multiplier effects, Graslin linked the effects of consumption tax and tariffs. While Graslin acknowledged Cantillon’s cycle theory, Graslin noted that Cantillon did not consider tariffs in the downturn of an economic cycle. Although tariffs raised the prices of luxury goods, the government would increase revenue through the consumption tax paid mainly by wealthy people.
This logic conforms to the Ramsey rule. For wealthy people, Graslin regarded luxuries to maintain their pride as their necessities. For this reason, he considered luxury goods to have low price elasticity of demand. Thus, wealthy people’s consumption of luxuries would not decrease even if their real income decreased.
JEL classification numbers: B11, B31, H22.
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Distinctiveness and Plurality of the Austrian Capital Theory: The Entrepreneurial Perspectives of Capital
Kazunori Akatsuka
In the real world, an entrepreneur requires capital to produce. Thus, the Austrian school of economics, which theorizes the real economic world as it is, must be based on capital the- ory. This means that distinctive areas of the Austrian school of economics, such as Business Cycle, Economic Calculation, Entrepreneurship, Knowledge, Spontaneous Order, and Market Process must be understood based on capital theory. However, Austrian Capital Theory(ACT)is not a unique theory; rather, it is plural. This plurality makes understanding its diverse roles in Austrian Economics difficult.
Examining these plural theories, I find the shared similarity in these theories lies in the viewpoint of an entrepreneur. In the first place, we reveal the plurality of ACT by tracing its genealogy. Next, we classify them using the controversy between Endres & Harper and Braun in the History of Economic Thought(2014). Lastly, I group them into three capital functions by ranking plural concepts of capital alongside a process of change in entrepreneurial asset composition. These functions are ‘production factor,’ ‘purchase,’ and ‘calculation.’ Plural concepts of capital are integrated into the viewpoint of an entrepreneur who uses the three functions to produce in the real world. That is a distinctive feature of ACT, and this also means that ACT and entrepreneurship theory are never isolated. Rather, this distinctiveness becomes one of the sources of its plurality.
JEL classification numbers: B13, B25, B41.
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斉藤 尚,塩野谷祐一の経済倫理学 ―卓越主義の構想を中心に―
Yuichi Shionoya’s Theory of Economic Ethics: Focusing on his Conception of Perfectionism
Nao Saito
This article aims to demonstrate Yuichi Shionoya’s theory of economic ethics by classifying his study into early, middle, and later stages and focusing on his conception of perfectionism. His theory is composed of ethics and economics. In early and later stages, Shionoya proposes his notion of ethics as one category of liberal perfectionism by demonstrating the relationship between the concepts of justice, goodness, and virtue. Part of its originality is that it is defined as being compatible with the pursuit of common good, which is the main purpose of welfare economics. Moreover, he proposes three kinds of economics: economic sociology, economic statics, and economic dynamics in the middle and later stages. He argues that a society in which liberal perfectionism prevails can be realized by the elitist method that he demonstrates in economic sociology. Thus, Shionoya attempts to construct his economic ethics as “universal social science” by integrating the ideas of political philosophy and welfare economics and showing consistency in his entire study. This article questions the consistency of Shionoya’s theory of economic ethics. The rest of this article is organized as follows. First, we classify Shionoya’s study and show that his main purpose is to construct an alternative theory by criticizing neoclassical economics. Second, we clarify his view of perfectionism by showing his ethical system. We then outline his theory of economic ethics by analyzing his economics and clarifying his method of institutional reform. Finally, we express doubt as to whether reform can lead to his concept of an ideal society.
JEL classification numbers: B31, O31.
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English Translation Series: Japanese Historians of Economic Thought<8>,
Zenya Takashima: The Wealth of Nations and the System of Productive Powers Translated by Robert Chapeskie and Akio Hoshino66-91
第 16 回経済学史学会研究奨励賞受賞作講評
論文賞 塩見由梨「ジェイムズ・ステュアートの商業論」『経済学史研究』59 巻 2 号,2018 年 1 月92-93
第 3 回経済学史学会受賞作について
Aldrich, J. 2010. The Econometricians’ Statisticians, 1895-1945. History of Political Economy 42(1): 111-54.
Bjerkholt, O. 2005. Frisch’s Econometric Laboratory and the Rise of Trygve Haavelmo’s Probability Approach. Econometric Theory 21(3): 491-533.
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Boianovsky, M. and K. D. Hoover. 2014. In the Kingdom of Solovia: The Rise of Growth Economics at MIT, 1956-70. History of Political Economy 46(annual suppl.): 198- 228.
Düppe, T and E. R. Weintraub. 2014. Finding Equilibrium: Arrow, Debreu, McKenzie and the Problem of Scientific Credit. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Epstein, R. J. 1987. A History of Econometrics. Amsterdam: North Holland.
Giocoli, N. 2003. Modeling Rational Agents: From Interwar Economics to Early Modern Game Theory. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Halsmayer, V. 2014. From Exploratory Modeling to Technical Expertise: Solow’s Growth Model as a Multipurpose Design. History of Political Economy 46(annual suppl.): 229- 51.
Hands, D. W. 2001. Reflection without Rules: Economic Methodology and Contemporary Science Theory. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Ikeo, A. 2006. Economics in Japan: The Internationalization of Economics in the Twentieth Century. Nagoya: Nagoya Daigaku Shuppankai. (In Japanese)
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Keynes, J. M. 1936. The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. London: Macmillan.
Leonard, R. 2010. Von Neumann, Morgenstern, and the Creation of Game Theory from Chess to Social Science, 1900-1960. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Louçã, F. 2007. The Years of High Econometrics: A Short History of the Generation that Reinvented Economics. London: Routledge.
Mata, T. and F. Louçã. 2009. The Solow Residual as a Black Box: Attempts at Integrating Business Cycle and Growth Theories. History of Political Economy 41(annual sup- pl.): 334-55.
Mirowski, P. 2001. Machine Dreams: Economics Becomes a Cyborg Science. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Morgan, M. S. 1990. The History of Econometric Ideas. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Poundstone, W. 1993. Prisoner’s Dilemma: John von Neumann, Game Theory, and the Puzzle of the Bomb. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Qin, D. 1993. The Formation of Econometrics: A Historical Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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Takami, N. 2017. History of Econometrics of the First Half of the Twentieth Century: A Survey and Bibliometric Analysis. Economic Review(Keizai Kenkyu)68(3): 264- 79.(In Japanese)
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Weintraub, E. R. 1985. General Equilibrium Analysis: Studies in Appraisal. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Young, Warren L. 1987. Interpreting Mr. Keynes: The IS-LM Enigma. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
下平 裕之,経済学史研究におけるテキストマイニングの導入 ―その手法と意義を中心に―
Binder, J. M. and C. Jennings. 2016.“ A Scientifical View of the Whole”: Adam Smith, Indexing, and Technologies of Abstraction. Journal of English Literary History 83( 1): 157―80.
Claveau, F. and Y. Gingras. 2016. Macrodynamics of Economics: A Bibliometric History. History of Political Econo- my 48( 4): 551―92.
Ignatow, G. and R. Mihalcea. 2017. Text Mining: A Guidebook for the Social Sciences. California: SAGE Publications.
Matsuyama, N. 2016. A Study of Text Mining for Research into the History of Economic Thought: The Case of Alfred Marshall’s Principles of Economics (1890). Discussion Paper. University of Hyogo, No. 89.
Shimodaira, H. and S. Fukuda. 2014. Popularization of Classical Economics: A Text-mining Analysis on David Ricardo, James Mill, and Harriet Martineau. Discussion Paper Series, Research Group of Economics and Management, Yamagata University, No. 2014-E01.
Wiedemann, G. 2016. Text Mining for Qualitative Data Analysis in the Social Sciences: A Study on Democratic Discourse in Germany. Wiesbaden: Springer. Wright, C. 2016. The 1920s Viennese Intellectual Community as a Center for Ideas Exchange: A Network Analysis. History of Political Economy 48( 4): 593―634.
石田基広.2008.『 R によるテキストマイニング入門』森北出版.
石田基広・金 明哲 編.2012.『 コーパスとテキストマイニング』共立出版.
石田基広・小林雄一郎.2013.『 R で学ぶ日本語テキストマイニング』ひつじ書房.
岡嶋裕史.2006.『 数式を使わないデータマイニング入門―隠れた法則を発見する』光文社新書.
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小林雄一郎.2017.『 R によるやさしいテキストマイニング[機械学習編]』オーム社.
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小峯 敦.2014.「 『ベヴァリッジ報告』(1942)と『雇用政策』白書(1944)―戦後構想(社会保障と完全雇用)における経済助言活動の役割」『龍谷大学経済学論集』53( 1/2): 37―98.
小峯 敦・下平裕之.2017.「 ベヴァリッジ『自由社会における完全雇用』のケインズ的要素―テキストマイ
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佐藤郁哉.2008.『 質的データ分析法』新陽社. 下平裕之・小峯 敦・松山直樹.2012.「 経済学史研究におけるテキストマイニング分析の導入―ケインズ『一般理論』と書評の関係」Discussion Paper Series, Research Group of Economics and Management, Yamagata University, No. 2012―E02.
下平裕之・福田進治.2014.「 古典派経済学の普及過程に関するテキストマイニング分析―リカード,ミル,マーティノーを中心に」『人文社会論叢 社会科学篇(弘前大学人文学部)』31:51 ―66.
高野茂幸.2017.『 Thinking Machines―機械学習とそのハードウェア実装』インプレス R&D.
仲北浦淳基・小峯 敦.2019.「マクミラン委員会におけるロバートソンの経済観―テキストマイニングから判明する「実物」と「貨幣」『経済学論集』(龍谷大学経済学部)58( 1): 59―100.
樋口耕一.2014.『 社会調査のための計量テキスト分析―内容分析の継承と発展を目指して』ナカニシヤ出版.
古谷 豊.2014.「 テキストマイニングを用いたスミス『国富論』普及の分析」TERG Discussion Papers No. 325.
松村真宏・三浦麻子.2014.『 人文・社会科学のためのテキストマイニング[改定新版]』誠信書房. 村井 源 編.2014.『 量から質に迫る―人間の複雑な感性をいかに「計る」か』新曜社.
山本真照.2011.「 テキストマイニング手法の洗練に向けた知識活用方法に関する研究」『経済科学論究』(埼玉大学経済学会)8:73 ―85.
涌井良幸・涌井貞美.2011.『 多変量解析がわかる』技術評論社.
Notes and Communications
三好宏治,2017 年のアダム・スミス像
Sachiko Motoyoshi
< ahref="https://doi.org/10.5362/jshet.61.1_131">John Dennis Chasse, A Worker’s Economist: John R. Commons and His Legacy from Progressivism to the War on Poverty, Routledge, 2017
Akihito Matsumoto
Toichiro Asada